turn your special moments into a masterpiece

Chris Rodrigues Illustrations offers you a unique opportunity to package life’s precious moments into a hand-drawn illustration that is trending among families as the ultimate source for gorgeous and lifelike portraits.

Because all we need now, are reminders of the simpler things in life; the things that bring us love and joy.


bring generations together

We are very familiar with the hole that is left in our hearts when people we love the most are taken from us, so often too early. Nothing will ever bring our loved ones back or make it so a deceased grandparent can hold their grandchild in their arms.

Yet, through the power of imagination together with a well-crafted, hand-illustrated portrait, this wish can come true. By far, one of our most popular and meaningful pieces is our Portrait Compilation.

See the images provided.


add your own embellishments

We can help you embellish your photo and create anything you would like. From the simplest things, like adding a favourite cap with their favourite brand, create an attractive scarf or have someone dressed in a suit instead of a dress to something more magical or adventurous.

Together, we can set the stage for fulfilling your dreams and reliving your favorite memories, the best way possible.


bring your old photos back to life

We have an uncanny ability to see beyond what’s right in front of us. We can take an old, time-worn photo and bring it back to life. With digital technology and an artist’s touch, we can work with your direction, infuse hair shades and create clothing patterns when needed.

Have an old photo of your grandfather overseas while serving his country that deserves a special place on the mantle? A family portrait from decades ago that your sister would appreciate? Let us work with you to bring these photos back to life.


bring joy to people’s lives by honouring and celebrating their special moments


expect the best

When you select our services, you can expect the following industry leading benefits with every product

100% Hand-drawn

Genuinely hand drawn on a tablet without the use of any filters.

5 Star Facebook Rating

Customers truly appreciate the skills and creativity involved.

Satisfaction guaranteed

You inspire us to deliver the best possible results.

Premium prints

We have a multi-tiered quality control process.

Exceptional customer service

We work with you to bring your dream to life.

Original certification

Every masterpiece has a self embossed seal and the artist’s signature


give the gift of choice
You know a friend or a family member that will love our services? Purchase one of our e-gift cards and have it delivered to their inbox in minutes.
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done in only 8 days

Turn around timing for your realistic masterpiece.

5 star reviews

Honest, untouched recommendations, from beautiful people appreciating the time and effort